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Friday, August 16, 2019

Get 30GB of Samba Storage on Cloud

OK, it is less than 30GB to be exact, as the OS took some space too.

The whole idea started from the offer from Google Cloud with an "always free" plan which include 1 f1-micro instance with 30GB standard persistent storage. (Anyway, you might still get charge for egress too)

So if you already have some running VPS or cloud instance, you may just use that too.

However, as you might experienced, most cloud provider have strong focus on network security. And the steps to define firewall rules, etc are different among providers.

Fortunately, ZeroTier come into rescue. We can use ZeroTier to link our home PC with the cloud instance just like there are in the same LAN (or Global Area Network, as advertise by ZeroTier).

So here go the list of guide that I had followed, hope you enjoy it:

Additional Ideas:

  • If you are have Windows 10 Pro at home, you may also consider to use NFS too.
  • You may experiment on mount object storage to the VM via FUSE for additional storage. (Do share with me the result and experience)

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